Japan breaks the record for incidence for the third day in a row COVID-19

In Japan, over the past day, a record number of 1,578 people infected with coronavirus have been identified, Kyodo reported. The agency notes that for the third day in a row there has been a record increase in the number of infected SARS-Cov-2 in Japan. In particular, on July 30, 1,305 cases of coronavirus of a new type were confirmed in the country. Thus, the total number of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections in the Japanese territory exceeded 37 thousand. This statistic also includes the Diamond Princess passenger liner infected from the board. Since the pandemic began in Japan, 1,026 patients have died from diseases caused by a new coronavirus. According to the news agency, earlier the Japanese authorities refused to reintroduce the emergency regime in the country due to the situation with COVID-19.


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